" Good Day Sunshine
Good Day Sunshine
Good Day Sunshine
We take a walk the sun is shining down
Burns my feet as they touch the ground
Good Day Sunshine
Good Day Sunshine
Good Day Sunshine "
I randomly wrote the lyrics of Good Day Sunshine by The Beatles . I'm listening while writing this post right now and i really love the song! I can't get enough with this song right now haha! Anyway , i don't know why i just love my outfit on here . Maybe because i look more mature :/ haha forget about it . And you know what? I just finished my tests & now i'm free! But , i can't say it before i know the result -__- i hope i get a good score , Amen .
sweater : gaudi | skirt & socks : unbranded | bag : Lovely Lace | Sunnies & Gold Plate necklace : Fairy Vintage
good night , xx
@milkhaeunike / @milkha_