Hello, September! good to be back (as always) and i'm currently happy becos there's no exam tomorrow yay! it means that i can write a new post again. i'm truly sorry for you guys, because of my school activities, i can't make time for my one and only this tiny blog. But, sooner or later i'll post my vblog on last June-July about my trip to Lombok-Bali. Who's excited?! HAHAHA. Anyway, i wore this outfit when i had a lunch with Regina after we went to Hype. Here's my outfit on that day.
p.s : i forgot to put my blue sunnies on that i left on my car (blame myself) *sigh* -_-"
Pretzel& Beer Dress : STUPKID // Shoes : Bershka
tilll the next time+ vlog :pp
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